Suspended Southern Wayne teacher hires attorney, will file civil lawsuit

An attorney for the Southern Wayne High School science teacher who was suspended with pay following an incident that unfolded on the Dudley campus Feb. 16 has released additional details about what Anthony Williams says transpired that evening.

The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office has, to date, declined to release the complete incident/arrest report and repeated attempts to contact WCSO leaders, including Sheriff Larry Pierce, have gone unanswered. The only information made available to the public was what Williams was charged with — possession of a weapon (not a gun) on a school campus. 

Here is Williams’ account of the incident, as released by his attorney, Habekah Cannon:

“On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, Deputy Albert Woods assaulted science teacher and softball coach Anthony Williams during a school basketball game. The deputy believed Mr. Williams was a student in possession of a pocketknife and asked him to hand it over or take it to his car. When Mr. Williams tried to put it away, he informed the deputy that the tool was in his possession because it was used during a science lab. … Instead of the deputy asking Mr. Williams for his teaching credentials, the deputy assaulted Mr. Williams,” the release reads.

Williams was not, according to Cannon, charged with a crime that night. In fact, he was released after students and other Southern Wayne community members informed the deputy that Williams was, in fact, a staff member.

According to Cannon, charges were not filed until two days later — “hours” after, she said, the teacher told Central Office staff “he was assaulted by Deputy Woods.”

In the aftermath of the incident, more than 150 Southern Wayne students staged a walkout on campus Feb. 24. A demonstration is planned for Wednesday at noon outside the Wayne County Public Schools Central Office on Royall Avenue.

Cannon said her firm will not only defend Williams against the charges filed by the Sheriff’s Office, but also intends to file a civil lawsuit in the matter.

“Mr. Williams did not deserve this assault on his person,” Cannon’s release reads. “Mr. Williams has the community’s support as he fights these baseless charges and holds the deputy accountable for the assault. Mr. Williams has been teaching and coaching at Southern Wayne High School since 2008. His students and softball team, both current and former, miss him dearly.”

5 thoughts on “Suspended Southern Wayne teacher hires attorney, will file civil lawsuit

  1. Who the heck brings a weapon on school grounds at a sporting event? What “teacher” then causes an altercation with a security officer that makes less than a McDonald’s cashier?

    The school should fire him immediately. Should have fired him right after the “incident ” which he caused.

    1. “Oh no, a pocket knife! I’m frightened.” Seriously? Are you the Security Officer’s spouse, mother or boss? Or someone in Central Office?

  2. I agree, a weapon (pocketknife) is a weapon whether you are a teacher or not. He may be a good teacher, I don’t think that’s in question. However, he still made a mistake by having it at the game and there should be consequences (just as there would be if it was a student).

  3. I taught art in public school for several years, and I worked with officer woods when I taught at Spring Creek. When campus rules say no weapons at all, that means no weapons at all, for both students and staff. Public education is a disaster, and it’s only going to get worse. Kids can get suspended for even drawing a knife or a gun on paper. All this gun control liberal left stuff is BS, but it’s still the rules on public school grounds. Officer woods was only doing what he thought was right. If Mr. William’s had handed over the knife, there would have been no problem.

    1. How clean are your feet? Have you ever made a mistake because you forgot? No, maybe you were simply down right contrary. Well, Mr. Williams is not and has never been like that. He cares and has no respect of person. Are you attacking? Be WARE!!!! Things have a way of coming around a lot faster than they went around. Wash your FEET to cleanse your walk. JESUS really initiated feet washing. Try it. Cleanse not just your feet but search YOU and if you like check your livelihood and see what else might need some washing in or on you before you try to exercise YOU on someone else.

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