“Individual” with COVID was on Meadow Lane campus Thursday

Meadow Lane Elementary School staff have been notified that they might have been exposed to COVID-19 on campus.

Principal Wendy Hooks sent an email to MLE staff Thursday after many of them had left for the day, advising them of the possible exposure and the need for precautions after “an individual” who was on the school’s campus today tested positive for the virus.

Here is the email, which was shared with the New Old North late Thursday evening. It is unclear if parents who might have been on campus were also notified.

Several Meadow Lane staff members have confirmed that they received the email.

Students and parents are due to return to campuses throughout the school district in the coming days for orientation, as WCPS begins its school year for the first three weeks in Plan C, before bringing students back under the state’s hybrid Plan B reopening model in early September.

5 thoughts on ““Individual” with COVID was on Meadow Lane campus Thursday

  1. Carved Elementary has cases, too. (one confirmed). Teachers need to finish in person training and then work from home. Administrators can check Canvas to evaluate teachers. There have been face to face meetings all week. Masks and social distancing have been used at our schools. However, there are times teachers have to sit close and look together and help each other. Principals are doing their best. They are asked to do the impossible. We are all guinea pigs for the board.

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