School Board to Central Office: Make Plan A happen for K-5

The Wayne County Board of Education voted 5-2 to direct Central Office staff to find a way to make Plan A happen for K-5 by the beginning of second semester. Under the plan, those students who opt in will attend school four days a week and social distancing would not be required in the classroom or on school buses.

Board members Jennifer Strickland, Wade Leatham, Joe Democko, Chris West and Tommy Sanders voted for the measure.

For more details — both on the decision and everything else that happened at the board’s Monday meeting — follow the New Old North here and on our Facebook page @newoldnorth.

5 thoughts on “School Board to Central Office: Make Plan A happen for K-5

  1. So they’re just going to fill the classrooms and ignore social distancing and health experts while numbers rise

  2. “We’d like to thank teachers for bending over backwards for us during Covid19. Now, we ask that they now bend forward.”

  3. So, we tell our kids to follow the laws of the land and obey school rules, while showing them it’s okay to break rules put in place by the governor and health experts. 10 kids in a classroom is a lot different than 25 kids in a classroom…or buses full of students…or cafeteria tables with no elbow room. As citizens, we’re instructed to stand 6 feet away from the next person in line at any given public place, but we’re telling teachers they have to be crammed into already overflowing classrooms? The BOE swore a the beginning of the year that the schools had adequate cleaning supplies and all necessary PPE and yet teachers are begging parents for help providing these things. And speaking of the BOE, how many of them have elementary aged kids that WILL BE attending daily under Plan A at a WCPS? Because surely if they can vote and make decisions for MY child, then their decisions should be good enough for their own. And lastly, the school days will still be shortened. So it’s safe to pack the students in under Plan A but NOT safe enough to let them remain there all day. I wasn’t aware that germs could tell time? I would like to challenge the BOE members…go to each public school and sit in a classroom under Plan A for a week. Let us know what days to sign you up for….after all if our teachers and students are safe and comfortable, I’m sure you would be as well.

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