After a series of split votes, WCPS moving forward with Plan B

A series of split votes left the Wayne County Board of Education without an updated school reopening plan — and, instead, married to its August decision to send students back to campuses beginning next week.

For more detail on the five-hour meeting, follow the New Old North here and on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @newoldnorth

23 thoughts on “After a series of split votes, WCPS moving forward with Plan B

  1. Wade Leatham has a lot of data to show that students are not as likely to get COVID. What he may not realize, being new to this business and all, is that there are ADULTS in those classrooms and buildings. You know, the grown-ups who interact with those children. But maybe being around less-susceptible children will rub off on those adults. We wouldn’t want anyone to get “learning herpes” as Ms. Strickland so elegantly described learning disablities for us.

      1. Not totally. If you chose to go virtual, you were not guaranteed a position back at your school when this is over from what I understand. As a teacher I wouldn’t be willing to take that chance.

      2. Just because a teacher chooses to go virtual, he/she is still expected to go into the school building. Although that person may be teaching virtually, he/she will still be facing people in the hallways as they go into their classrooms. “Virtual” doesn’t mean the teachers stays at home….They are in the populated area as well as face-to-face teachers.

  2. They are not cleaning the schools . I am there . I have not had one thing done to my room . Several teachers have students on campus 4 days a week they have not had their room cleaned either . Forget about sanitizing they have not swept a floor , dumped trash or cleaned a bathroom yet .

  3. They want to open, but they have no plan to do it safely. Where are the cleaning supplies? The stickers they put on the floors & on the buses won’t last. EC students are in schools now. The schools haven’t started the deep cleaning on Wed. like they promised. They don’t have all the equipment to do the deep cleaning.

  4. I hope the board attends every single funeral after schools starts. Children are getting covid, but are spreading it at a slower rate, due to a lower percentage of respiratory symptoms. I hope those with underlying conditions (including “overweight”) don’t hug or kiss on your kids.

  5. Parents and the board are asking teachers to do the impossible. You are asking teachers to teach face-to-face, virtually, remotely, and now create tech free assignments for the students without devices. On top of regular two way contact with all students using a platform that we are all learning. Yes, students are struggling but it will be worse when we return. Be prepared for teachers leaving WCPS or not engaging with students, for lack of time. Do not get upset when we cannot answer an email or call. Be prepared for Modications to your student not being provided. Much has been placed on the heads of a teacher. We do what we can but not all will be done. Ask a teacher and they will gladly tell you. We have been working and very hard as well. As the school says “It is what it is”.

    1. You can lay that blame at the feet of this governor. HE put these unnecessary burdens on you. HE built this. He gave you the only “options” and they were designed to fail by creating the VERY issues you just raised. Just curious, was there any outcry from the teachers to fight the governor on his mandates? Did any of you lobby for Plan A?

  6. Maybe a new profession is in order ,,, don’t get your covid news from cnn,, it’s a FLU virus ,, if you get it there’s a 99 percent chance you will do fine ,, this is a political game manipulated by media and people with other interests,, the all knowing all seeing Governor is following marching orders! It’s actually scary that some of these people are teaching our kids.. OPEN UP , IF YOU’RE SCARED STAY HOME

    1. I am not scared and I am as excellent teacher. I consistently get above average growth on state exams. I love my profession. I am just telling you that what is being is asked is a herculean task. Would you ask a walmart or food lion worker to be a cashier, stock shelves, monitor doors, unload trucks, help customers, work in the bakery, etc all at the same time. One person can’t be in all places at once and nothing would be accomplished.

      I am not driven by fear and also not being political. The public, as a stakeholder, needs to be aware, since it is their children that they will be sending to school.

      Also we have 17000 students enrolled in our schools, 12000 in Plan B. If 1% die, that is 120 students. Not to mention the 2700 employees, many who are at risk. So that would be 27 who die. And I am disregarding the idea that children will not get it because not enough is known on COVID’s effect on children and how they spread it. . Many do not get it but will carry lifelong health issues. Studies are still being done but shown that there is an increase of infection rates in the younger population. I hope your children are not part of the 1%.

      1. You are spouting your parties political drivel,, children less than .3 of 1 percent,, are you really of the belief that 270 children are going to die of covid in this county ,,,,?? It is really worrisome to hear this kinda crap ,, from an educator,,??maybe you should teach at Harvard

        1. Maybe you should go to Harvard so you can learn reading comprehension. Did you just pull that 270 out of thin air?

  7. Each board member should have to report to class with these children. Ms. Strickland especially. Once she has removed her children from public schooling. They will all have to answer for every sick Principal, Teacher,Nutrition worker, and Student. The power trip the board is on is ridiculous. You’re playing with people’s lives.

  8. The CDC “revised” death toll has proven we should NEVER have shut down in the first place. These schools should have opened in Plan A AGAINST the infinite ignorance of our dictator at the governor’s mansion. We have done all this for nothing. Lives were ruined, livelihoods lost, and now our kids must now get a substandard education…..if any at all. Politics, not health, has driven the reactions to this cold virus and they have left a wake of destruction that will take years to erase. So if any of you teachers are scared you are going to die from this virus, don’t be. Because you are more likely to get struck by lightning while bungee jumping over a thousand rabid Unicorns with their horns up….and dying from it. Look at our streets, businesses, restaurants, ball parks, daycares, and grocery stores. Does it look like people are too scared to leave their homes? If these masks work, we have nothing to worry about, right? And if they don’t, there must not be anything to worry about in the first place. But the “experts” haven’t told us that. They need the panic to continue so that it can impact the election in the fifty millionth attempt to take out this president. Plan B was designed to fail and to be hated by the teachers. That way, the moronic Plan C will be the default. The governor can’t allow proof of his ignorance to be exposed by allowing face to face instruction to prove him wrong. DESIGNED TO FAIL….. remember that. If he wanted plan C all along, he could have mandated it. But he didn’t. Cooper is an agent of chaos and HE BUILT this mess. I hope you teachers remember that at the ballot box. HE did this to you………..

    1. Yeah. Because the CDC isn’t simply another politicized arm of Trump’s bizarre universe. Trust the science, not the off-kilter conspiracy theories. These Trump supporters need some serious help … and an actual education. It’s comments like this one that prove just how much good teachers matter. Maybe this fool should come back to high school so we can teach him about facts, data and how viruses are transmitted.

  9. No joy ,, it was the same thing that happened when you hire a bunch of snowflakes to teach ,, a MISTAKE,, ,, don’t need Harvard for anything , it is 170 kids to die according to the ignorant numbers spewed,, Your welcome joy !

    1. Ritman- try it for two weeks and then you have a right to comment. We cannot be replaced when we retire. Try replacing us as we walk.out. If you hate educators so bad, keep your kids home. I.would never send my kids somewhere if I hated the people caring for.them.

      What my education does that yours lacks is the ability to truly reasearch, not spit Facebook posts. It also allows me to hold my end of arguments without name calling. When the lacking intelligence, name calling starts.

  10. When you accuse someone of lack of intelligence, it shows someone hit a nerve,, I assure you ms. Educator I do have the right to comment , because this is still America, and I know you educators hate the fact that someone would dare question you ,, you my dear ,, are what’s wrong with public education,,, get out in the real world away from academics, and try making a living.,

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