Tax hike would fund $32 million for school projects

A new Fremont Elementary School, additional classrooms at Northwest and Rosewood Elementary, renovations on 10 campuses and safety and security upgrades on another 27 would be funded using money collected by a quarter-cent sales tax increase that will be on the ballot when Wayne County voters head to the polls for primary elections March 3.

Those decisions, characterized by Wayne County Board of Education Chairman Chris West as “historical,” were made this afternoon during a joint meeting of the School Board and Board of Commissioners.

County officials said that should voters approve the tax hike, which is projected to generate $2.6 million a year, Wayne would be in a position to borrow the $32 million needed to complete the projects.

“It is a positive day in Wayne County when these two boards can come together for the future of our children,” Commission Chairman Ray Mayo said. “Though the need is great, and this is only the beginning, we are proud to begin the necessary steps towards construction, improvements, and most importantly safety for our public schools.”

In an effort to ensure transparency ahead of the vote, WCPS will hold a series of public meetings designed to educate local residents about the projects. There are also a series of online tools available to the public. To access them, click here.

For more on this story as it develops, follow the New Old North here and on our Facebook page.

1 thought on “Tax hike would fund $32 million for school projects

  1. The lottery was/is SUPPOSED to fund the schools, however the state government is too busy lining their pockets.

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