County offered WCPS $3 million loan in exchange for transparency. WCPS said ‘No.’

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners offered the county’s Board of Education a loan to help cover the district’s teacher stipends and June payroll shortfall.

But in return, the county wanted an accounting of how the money would be spent, as well as access to detail of future transactions, board chairman Ray Mayo said.

“We were going to loan them $3 million,” he said. “We did not want it to ‘boss.’ We are prevented by statute from interfering in their dealings. We just wanted to be informed.”

The chairman said that the county and the school district had an agreement ready to go, which the county expected to be brought before the school board Friday morning.

A special commissioners’ meeting was scheduled for 1 p.m. to finalize the deal.

However, soon-to-be Interim Superintendent Dr. James Merrill announced at the board’s morning meeting that the county schools had decided to use state funds that were already in WCPS’ coffers to cover the expenses instead.

Merrill said he was in communication with Department of Public Instruction officials concerning the details. He later said that there would likely be interest charged to make the move — about 1 percent.

When asked if the loan/transfer was similar to the $3 million shuffle in 2019 from the School Food Services fund to the General Fund — the transfer that, along with the projected deficit and negative fund balance, likely forced the resignations of county Finance Officer Michael Hayes and Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore — Merrill said he was unaware of that move.

He added, however, that those were federal funds.

During the meeting, Merrill said the state funds offered “flexibility.”

Mayo said the commission was unaware of the financial problems in the school district and was “blindsided” by the size of the deficit.

“If they did not know, how could we have known?” he said.

Mayo added that communication between the boards concerning the district’s finances has been limited.

The chairman said the commissioners were more than willing to step up to assist the county’s teachers and students.

Until this morning’s BOE meeting, Mayo said he had no idea that the school district had made another decision.

“We had a written agreement and were ready to go,” he said. “They decided to go with DPI.”

When asked if he thought the school board’s decision to go with the DPI alternative had anything to do with the commissioners’ request for detailed accounts of how the money would be spent, Mayo said, “My intuition after nine years of serving on the board is that it is definitely a possibility.”

Mayo said the county commissioners are intimately involved with Wayne County’s budgets and spending, and that the board keeps tabs on the county’s finances monthly.

“We are very involved,” he said. “We do not interfere in the day-to-day operation, but we do watch the money.”

Mayo said he is hopeful that Merrill will get to the bottom of the district’s financial problems.

“I watched the presentation this morning, and if he holds tight, he will get it straightened out,” he said.

He added that changes in state funding and unfunded mandates that force the county to come up with more local dollars for schools can be a challenge.

“It just throws our budget completely out of kilter,” he said.

Mayo added that he hopes the school board will continue to communicate with the county, and the public.

“There has to be accountability,” he said.

6 thoughts on “County offered WCPS $3 million loan in exchange for transparency. WCPS said ‘No.’

  1. This makes me so mad that I’m shaking. Of course they don’t want to tell people where this money is gone go. Probably going to use whats left over to pay Meril his $22,000 a month and his friends to do our “consulting.” First, we need to come together in prayer for our children and their teachers. Then we need to organize. Finally we need to find out when the next meeting is and protest outside the Central Office building until every one of these corrupt politicians resign. It’s time to take our movement to their front door because we ALL know this will hurt our children of color more than anyone else. Enough is enough. We. Can’t. Breathe!

    1. Definitely agree that low-income schools will feel this more than others and I’m not against a protest but comparing this to the George Floyd thing seems to be a little extra. I’m not implying that you are making that comparison but saying “We can’t breathe” just feels a bit over the top. Other than that, I totally agree. Name the time and day and I’ll be there with you. Let’s stand with teachers and are children. Get them all off that board.

    2. I looked in my grand daughters crayola box and there was a “white” crayon that came in that set as well …… we are ALL people of color and theses questionable dealings by our county school board affects ALL of our children.

    3. I looked in my grand daughters crayola box and there was a “white” crayon that came in that set as well …… we are ALL people of color and theses questionable dealings by our county school board affects ALL of our children. When people have to always make separating comments about race and such then doesn’t that make them a racist person ? You mentioned praying …… I have tried to adopt the stance of erring on the side of grace and mercy and STOP SEPARATING YOURSELF .

    4. We don’t need any of that crap starting back around here. You get more flies with sugar than you do with crap. Those on the board were and still are in the dark about the $3 million dollar shortfall as they call it. I say it is embezzlement and someone needs to go to prison. Our children will be just fine. Great teachers and great parents we shall overcome someone else’s misappropriation of funds and press on.

  2. Everyone needs to stop separating it, goes both ways. As Morgan Freeman said EVERYONE keeps it separated to include having a black this and that. Double standard she mentioned the white crayon to answer someone mentioning race first. ALL of it should stop. And before you comment any racist crap to my remarks we are a blended family so your barking up the wrong tree. We have taught our kids everyone is made in all shapes, colors, and sizes with a divine purpose unconditionally loved by one Father. So get off it! Back to the article…
    I am curious why WCPS wouldn’t be okay with taking the money with the stipulations. We as taxpayers should be concerned there should be accountability and I think a red flag if the loan was turned down due to having to account for it. Our system is in a bad way, broken…honestly I am not seeing too many immediate smart decisions right away either.

    Certain employees still over paid. Employees holding job titles they aren’t qualified for. Why is Dunsmore’s wife still in her position underqualified? Staff in made up positions overpayed. The principle they brought into Carver Heights and paid too much for. Over paying the interim superintendent.

    Why are you making administration go back into work 10 hour days??? The CDC and health department recommends if the work can be done from home then it should due to covid 19. Not too mention all the money it is saving companies just on utilities as well as other resources. So seriously there is a no brainers these summer months to help our financial situation some, start adding up all of it. Come on guys get involved in a smart positive way use your brains.

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