By now, you have heard the news from our superintendent of schools.
Wayne County will celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2020 with graduation ceremonies — some way, somehow.

We know it is tough right now to think about what will happen in 30 or 60 days, to imagine what the world will be like when we are back to normal, when COVID-19 and quarantines are not part of our every waking moment.
And we also know that many of you are worried — about your jobs, your businesses, your bills and your families.
We know that it is hard to think about the “after,” the recovery, the celebrations in our future.
But we think this is a moment, a chance to start shifting, to start healing, to start getting back to normal.

Americans are strong. We don’t give up. We stand together when we are threatened, and we stand behind each other when the chips are down.
We have a history that is about recovery and moving forward, and about remembering what really matters, and who we are as a nation and as a people.
We will be whole again. We will be back again.
And this graduation announcement, it is our chance to start that journey.
It is a reason to celebrate.

So we are offering the community the chance to band together to do just that with Eastbound & Downtown’s graduation edition — to get back to being who we are by getting behind the Class of 2020.
You can be a part of that. You can acknowledge the hard work of these seniors and celebrate with them even in the face of what they have lost and what all of us have been through over these many weeks.
We can rally as a community.
We already have some businesses that have committed to making this happen, who have signed on to sponsor the effort — and we have others that are showing their support as well.
But there is also room for more and for you to be part of this historic, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
And if you are one of the family members of the Class of 2020 — a proud mother, father, grandparent, aunt or uncle — you can include a special congratulatory message to mark this milestone.
We have been touched by those who have already taken the time to send us well-wishes and photographs that will be used to honor their respective graduates inside our special edition. We are certain these tribute ads will be treasured keepsakes, and we want as many young people as possible to be able to have one.
This is our chance to get back to who we are — a community that stands together, and to help a special group of young men and women make a memory.
We hope you will join us. For more information — or to advertise or submit a tribute ad for your senior — email or contact our Advertising Director Angela Michalek at 919-344-3272.

And, by the way, there is still time to enter our scholarship competition. Any senior can create a special message for the Class of 2020. They don’t have to be at the top of the class or be a designated graduation speaker. All they have to do is have something to say, an inspirational thought or a story to share. The winner will get the chance to present his or her speech online — and get $500 for college. There are second- and third-place prizes, too. More details on