We have been overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm Wayne County parents, teachers, administrators and businesses have shown for our Class of 2020 “yearbook” project.
There is no question that this special edition of our sister publication, Eastbound & Downtown, has touched this community. We are proud to be its steward.
And we remain committed to providing this county with something special, a keepsake that reflects the quality of Wayne County’s graduating class.
In response to your requests, we have come up with two ways for families to honor their seniors in the edition — a $40 tribute and a $75 tribute. The prices are based on the space necessary to produce and to publish these congratulatory notes.
You will see examples below of both options, as well as how to purchase one for your senior.
We know that right now, some families might be dealing with job loss or other strains on their budgets. This is an uncertain time. We understand that.
And we certainly do not want anyone to feel left out. So, we will also offer a free opportunity for parents to post a message to their senior when our edition publishes in a special online message book on our sister website NewOldNorth.com.
Because of the enormous amount of work that will go into this edition, we will need to move quickly on getting ads ordered and produced.
Therefore, the deadline for these individual tributes is May 24.
We can’t wait to see the messages of love and support.
Celebrating our future and honoring the young people of whom we are all so proud seems like a great way to celebrate this nation’s coming victory over COVID-19.
Thanks again for trusting us with this once-in-a-lifetime publication.
We look forward to sharing it with you, both in print and online.
Here is an example of the $40 tribute — both what the ad would look like and its size on one of our 11×11 pages.

Here is an example of the $75 tribute:

To get a better idea of what our magazine pages typically look like, click here to see the digital version of our winter edition. Our latest issue can also be accessed online by clicking here.
Local businesses, churches and other organizations can also pay tribute to the special seniors in their worlds by purchasing quarter, half and full page ads at our standard rates.
You may reserve a spot for your tribute — and contribute your photo(s) and special message — by emailing newoldnorth@gmail.com
Once we have that information, we will send you an invoice and a proof of your tribute for your review.
Thank you for your words of encouragement as we move forward.