Foster asks for dismissal in Williams censure case; his motion fails

Within 10 minutes of the beginning of a censure hearing convened as a result of an investigation into District 1 Councilman Antonio Williams, Councilman Bevan Foster called for its dismissal.

His motion, seconded by Williams himself, failed, but Williams’ attorney continued arguing that the process was “biased” and a violation of “this man’s due process.”

Foster then engaged with retired District Court Judge David Leech, the man overseeing the hearing.

“You’re being biased right now, as you’re conducting this hearing,” Foster said, as the judge tried to restore order amid booing and shouts of “this is a kangaroo court” from the crowd. “You be quiet and answer my question.”

Audience members and Councilman Bevan Foster react to instructions given by retired District Court Judge David Leech at the beginning of the censure hearing.

For complete coverage of the hearing — which, according to Leech, could last until this afternoon — follow the New Old North.

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