As if a sprawling complaint filed with numerous state and local agencies, including District Attorney Matthew Delbridge, was not enough, Wayne County Register of Deeds Constance Coram allegedly misused county funds and violated labor laws this summer.
Despite being provided with more than 250 hours of training and assistance from the county Finance Department, county officials say Coram allegedly illegally spent county funds raising “serious concerns” and leading to the suspension of her procurement card in late August.
According to an email exchange between Coram and Finance Director Allison Speight obtained by the New Old North (emails sent to and from government email accounts are public record) Speight inquired about “questionable purchases” made by the ROD in July.
The Finance Director got involved after Coram sent this to one of the county’s account specialists regarding food and other purchases that were flagged because no explanation was provided for them. Here is what Coram wrote:

Coram’s email raised concerns for Speight, who sent this, which included her recommendation that the ROD’s procurement card be suspended.

Coram responded and got this in return — a line by line breakdown from Speight of every issue she had with the ROD’s explanation.

Coram’s request that the decision to “take my card” be reconsidered fell on deaf ears.
County Manager Craig Honeycutt was not moved and suspended the card for 60 days. It is unclear whether or not Coram has gotten her spending privileges back.
Coram should be fired. Obviously she is not competent to be in the position of Register of Deeds. Too many excuses of she didn’t know. For these reasons and the fact she had to be escorted out of the room (very unprofessional) she needs to be relieved of her duties. After all the hours of training and all the people available to her, if she doesn’t understand her job yet, she needs to go!