Masks required in Wayne County government facilities

Beginning Monday, anyone entering a county facility will be required to wear a mask, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners decided Tuesday at its regular meeting.

The board voted 6-1 to pass the measure, with Commissioner Joe Daugherty voting no.

The commissioners rejected an amendment to the proposal, which would have put a 30-day limit on the order and would have required the commission to renew any mask requirement after 30 days.

Chairman Wayne Aycock and Daugherty voted for the amendment.

The mask requirement will remain in place until removed by the commission and will follow CDC guidelines, which say masks should be worn in common areas.

At this time, the masks will not need to be worn in private offices, county officials said.

The commission does not meet again until late September.

The mask mandate was approved the same day the Wayne County Board of Education voted to require masking inside district schools.

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