Ham is new Goldsboro mayor

Two months after Chuck Allen resigned from his post to focus on his battle with brain cancer, Goldsboro has a new mayor.

David Ham who, until Monday, served as mayor pro tem and District 5’s representative, was chosen by a majority of the City Council to lead the city for the remainder of Allen’s term.

Council members Taj Polack, Hiawatha Jones, Bill Broadaway and Gene Aycock voted for Ham. Councilwoman Brandi Matthews did not.

Of the 10 people who turned in applications before the July 23 deadline, only seven of them were ultimately considered for the post. Two hopefuls were disqualified for living outside the city limits and another withdrew her application during her presentation to the board Aug. 2.

Ham’s appointment leaves a vacancy to be filled for the third time in nine months. Before Allen’s resignation, the council replaced former Councilman Antonio Williams’ seat with Jones.

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