School Board approves $22,587/month salary for interim superintendent, hires firm to scrutinize WCPS operations, finances

The Wayne County Board of Education unanimously approved the hiring of Dr. James T. Merrill as interim superintendent for Wayne County Public Schools effective June 27.

Merrill is the former Wake County superintendent and has a resume that includes experience in Virginia Beach, Va., and Alamance -Burlington Schools.

He also was named North Carolina Superintendent of the Year in 2017.

Merrill will receive $22,587 per month through Dec. 31, 2020, or until the board hires a permanent replacement. He also will receive seven vacation days, a temporary housing allowance of $275 a week and a reasonable expense account.

He must work at least 40 hours on a four-day flex schedule week.

He will receive health and life insurance through the state retirement system.

The decision came on the heels of a nearly two-hour executive session Wednesday to discuss “personnel” and to “maintain attorney-client privilege.”

Wednesday’s meeting was a continuation of a recessed meeting Tuesday, which also included a multi-hour executive session.

When the board returned from Wednesday’s executive session, members voted to accept the resignation of Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore. The district also announced that Dunsmore has signed an agreement releasing the district from liability — which simply means he has agreed not to sue in the wake of his dismissal.

Dunsmore made $15,884.69 a month.

The board also voted to rescind its recent resolution granting emergency powers to the superintendent — a decision made in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dunsmore’s resignation is effective June 26.

The board did not discuss Merrill’s contract, how much he will be paid or other details of the agreement in open session. The contract was released after the meeting after a records request from the New Old North.

The board also announced that it has retained School Operations Specialists LLC to review all operations and financial dealings of the district and to make recommendations for the budget including potential savings.

School Operations Specialists will be paid $148 an hour, not to exceed $41,000.

The board ordered that the county school district staff cooperate fully with School Operations Specialists personnel.

The terms of the contract and the fact that the firm was to be hired at all also were not discussed in open session.

15 thoughts on “School Board approves $22,587/month salary for interim superintendent, hires firm to scrutinize WCPS operations, finances

  1. So with talks of increased classroom size, release of personnel, and a whomping $4M deficit that no one seems to have an answer for…. we’re going to pay interim superintendent over $20k PER MONTH?? How is that even justifiable?! How many teacher salaries could that pay for? Much needed school repairs? Healthier food for the students? That’s an absolute slap in the face, especially during this pandemic where families are having a hard time getting by and people are being let go from their jobs. Get your shit together WCPS. This is NOT ok.

    1. Stop preaching the truth Michael. What I’ve noticed is that NOBODY is questioning the BOA on how much they have been and are still paying this law firm and how , out of nowhere Dr Merrill and this LLC for finance, suddenly appear available. Within a few days, we’ve got an outside person ready at the helm, to be paid nearly 23,000.00 per MONTH. Yet the school system is short 5 million dollars. Apparently the have plenty money. No disrespect to Dr Merrill, he’s paid his dues.

  2. Because, by Jove, there is sooooo much money to pay teachers their contractually assured supplement. Oh wait….

    1. So… sad… how can they even keep teachers…Bloated salaries… take away from teaches and students… Just not right!

  3. The new acting WCPS Superintendent will receive:

    $22587 a month in salary (for a 4-day work week)

    $1100 a month in Housing allowance

    And an expense account.

    So, let’s get this straight… Dunsmore, who made $15884 a month and mismanaged our district to the point of being in the red 4.8 million dollars and our board goes out an hires an replacement that will cost about 100K more per year?. All whilst they still have not confirmed whether they will be about to pay out the remainder of the teacher supplements which are due to be paid in a week and a half.

    I did the math by the way, and Merrill will make my annual salary in just a month and a half. One month of his salary is literally 66% of my annual income.

  4. One observation, throughout the past 4 years Chris West is the wolf leading the pack. Keep searching, it will show up. The decision to hire an interim person, who suggested this? David Lewis could have had that responsibility until a new hire. The salary and compensation; just too dumbfounded to comprehend. Board members, where are You?

    1. Paulette… you can see it as clearly as I can. Chris West has his hands too deep. Wife is a principal, sons employed by WCPS. Mind you now, she may be a good principal so he gets a buy on that. If anytime really wanted to take some effort. They will see that this board is all about themselves. The public needs to know the facts. How much for the law firm?. Who found Merrill? How was Merrill introduced to the board. Who brokered that deal? And no lip service. Show me the papers.

  5. Shameful ‼ These teachers work so hard for the small income that they get , while the board approves for the interim superintendent salary of $22,587 a month. When are you going to pay your real back bone of the school system the money they deserve. Who needs that much money a month to live on??? What about the students thst deserve good teachers to teach our children the education that we the tax payers give our money for??? You just take our hard earn money to make your life style very, very, very comfortable while everyone else penny Pinches, the teachers a lot of times uses their own money to by enough supplies to teach and we struggle so our kids can get an education. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BOARD MEMBERS AND OUR STATE THAT ALLOWS THIS?

  6. Who are the people that make these people accountable? We need someone from outside the state of N.C. with the IRS to look in to the so called loss of this money! Both of these men need to be brought back and held accountable for the almost 5million missing dollars. I don’t care if you resigned!!! Get your butts right back her cause you have a lot to answer for!!!!!

  7. When people stop electing idiots for city and county government, maybe the flow of money can go where it’s needed.

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