You asked for it. You got it. Here are the salaries for WCPS’ key Central Office players and the School Board.

Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore — and his assistant superintendent for accountability/information technology Dr. David Lewis — talked a lot about cost-cutting at the board’s latest meeting.

On that list were increasing class sizes to condense and cut teaching positions; moving media specialists to open instructional assistant positions to cut costs; eliminating extra pay for teachers and coaches; and culling some enhancement classes.

All of those moves, as well as petitioning the county and state for more money, could get the school district closer to balancing its 2020-21 budget.

But a topic that did not come up was how Central Office expenses could be cut to alleviate the county schools’ budget woes.

Dunsmore did note that the Central Office budget is projected to be higher this coming year.

But he defended the expense by noting that there is less staff at Central Office than there was five years ago.

“The Central Office budget is primarily all salaries,” he said. “When you get the increase in benefits, the health care benefits and retirement … we have less people now than we had (in 2016).”

Dunsmore talked very briefly about Central Office expenses, making note that the state sets the initial salaries. Local funds are used to bump those salaries higher.

Here are the state’s pay scales for these positions from 2019-20:

But Dunsmore said that to attract quality administrators, local supplements are necessary.

“The state sets a level. This is what we think that position should pay. I will tell you that in the open market, there isn’t one that meets that level, so the local has to put into that,” he said.

In the budget packet presented to the board, the district included a listing of the salaries in the Central Office category of the budget.

Our readers have asked us to make those salaries public.

Here they are:

15 thoughts on “You asked for it. You got it. Here are the salaries for WCPS’ key Central Office players and the School Board.

  1. This is not sufficient. The taxpayers in Wayne County need the name of each department head and each principal along with their salary posted in the paper. We have no way of knowing the level each one of these individuals. If the president can list the salary of each one of his staffers, WCPS can do the same. We do not need the pay scale for the state.

    1. They did give the names and salary of each department head. It’s literally right there at the bottom of the story. Principals would be interesting to know, but their pay, from what I understand, is strictly based on the state pay scale so if you know how many years a principal has in, you can find out what they make.

      1. There were plenty of names left off the list. Read the directory for central services. How much are they paying attorneys? The same lawyers Michael Dunsmore had while working in Tyrell County. Do your research!

        1. That’s fair. I would like to know how much they pay that lawyer, too. And we need to know about Chris West’s son and Raymond Smith’s wife. Cuz I’m sure there jobs aren’t in jeopardy. But I have a feeling Miss Carey will get it. And I’m grateful that we have gotten more information in a few days then we have for years. Think about how many teachers that $500,000 could save. I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep digging New Old North. I thank you!

  2. The salaries for principals are set by the state. Michael Dunsmore has chosen to pay certain principals more than what the state allows. Research Principal Patrice Faison’s salary. Remember Chris Horne was paid $120,000.00. He is using Michael Hayes as a shield/scapegoat. WCPS BOE knows what was going on allowed it. Clean house!

  3. THERE NEEDS TO BE FULL TRANSPARENCY… there are many “key” employees at Central Office that are not accounted for on this list. There are people unqualified for positions who got in on a “hookup” for being pals and they need to be accounted for as well. There has been something fishy for awhile and it needs to be exposed. Thank you for getting to the answers.

  4. WCPS has allows Dunsmore to do a lot of damage and no one did anything the BOE is responsible and they all need to be held accountable. Chris West used his position for financial personal gain. Gave his wife and children jobs that they didn’t deserve. Investigate investigate investigate. Earl Moore for superintendent! Right the wrongs!

    1. Earl Moore? How many teachers did he have sleeping with students and not say a word? Also, Mr. West’s wife was employed long before he was on the BOE. And she is fantastic! You’re in over your head, Phyllis.

  5. That is a very an incomplete list. There are many people not listed. My guess is there are many unqualified people making more than the salary scale. According to your list most (except Mr Lewis) with high salaries are outsiders brought in by Dunsmore, not Wayne County residents who have been here for years, and worked their way up. Also, this does not help. We need to know how much above the state salary schedule a person makes. Many jobs are required to be paid by the county. Looking at Ms. Artis and several other’s pay, it is obvious she is making state salary range. (Even though part about is paid by the county) Why aren’t the others??? How is it decided who doubles what the state requires? Teachers receive the state salary schedule plus 7.5%. In my opinion, everyone should. The state salary scale is based on education and years of experience. Why is that not good enough for the masses and not others? He needs to pay more to get the most talented, apparently our children don’t deserve the best. Apparently, all Wayne COunty teachers are not the best. It sounds like the ‘best’ are spending on is in the hole. How much did Michael Hayes make while NOT doing his job?

    1. There are many not mentioned and the fishy part is those brought in by others and making pay that is not deserve according to their education and experience. WE NEED ALL OF THAT!!! This is absolutely ridiculous!!! Keep at it!!!

  6. Thank you New South for exposing real NEWS. Please keep digging, would love to see some of this information as election time rolls in so that we can clean house on the positions that are on the ballot.

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