After more than a month of distance learning and closed schools, North Carolina students, parents and teachers now have answers about how grading will be done across the state.
According to the State Department of Public Instruction, individual school districts will not make their own COVID-19 spring semester grading decisions. The standards will be the same for every school across the state.
• ELEMENTARY SCHOOL — There will be no final grades. Teachers are being asked to provide feedback to parents on how best to prepare for next school year.
• MIDDLE SCHOOL — Students will receive a PC19 or WC19 for their final course grade depending on where their grades were as of March 13. They will be offered the chance to work to improve those grades through distance learning if they want to. A withdraw code will not be considered “failing.”
• HIGH SCHOOL — Students can choose either a PC19 or WC19 grade or a numerical grade for their final course grade (for spring classes). If the student chooses a numerical grade, he or she will receive the mark he or she had as of March 13. However, the student also will be able to do work through distance learning to improve the grade.
If a student chooses the WC19 option, he or she will not “fail” the course. The mark will indicate that he or she did not master the subject enough to get credit for the course.

State officials are recommending that students who cannot be reached be given the pass or withdraw grades, with the option to change to numerical grades later.
The complete grading policy guidelines can be viewed below:
COVID-19 Grading Policy by K Fine on Scribd